Tuesday, March 8, 2011


What does this photo say to you?

It didn't say much to me either at first.

But, when I looked further it said everything I needed to know.

The man in the picture is George Burns - American comedian, actor, and writer. He had a radio, later tv, show with his wife Gracie Allen. If you notice, George is visiting some sort of tomb/mausoleum, or something of that nature. It turns out he is visiting his wife's, Gracie Allen, memorial. The two were married for 38 years before her death. And George visited her memorial once a month for 32 years until his own death.

I'm not sure if it's just the story behind the picture or just the picture or a combination of both, but I came to a real epiphany. I realized the only thing that will ever matter in this life is to be with those you love. Whether it be your sister, your parents, your boyfriend, your friend... They are the only ones that matter. They are what gets us through this life. Spend as much time with them as possible. 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Simplicity: It is an Arm's Length Away

This blog entry is kind of an extension of my last entry.

I cannot stress enough how simple things can be if you let them be. Don't worry about what others think about what you do. If it doesn't hurt them in anyway, just don't worry about it. It is your life; do what you want.

Don't worry about labels of any sort. Boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, etc. When you and the other person decide upon a "label", if you really think you need one, then that's how it should be. Just don't worry about it.

Be around those who make you happy. I'm going to hang out with only these people, you can count on that. 

My #1 is my sister, she makes me the most happy. She is my best friend and I will hang out with her as much as I'd like. (And as much as she'd like. :P ) Sometimes we don't agree on everything, but that's alright because I know she'll always be there for me. We are so much alike, yet we are SO DIFFERENT in how we deal with situations. Sometimes I think she forgets this - that we have our own different ways in going about life. But that's ok. She's truly amazing. 

I bring my sister up in this blog because she's kind of an example of a worrier. And because I know she'll read this blog, and I hope she'll take some sort of advice from her litter sister for once. :-P sorry sistaaa, you are a worrier and I think you know it. :P

So here are Cheryl's Principles of Life:

  • Don't keep the people who make you worry about nonsense around. It's bad, unneeded stress. And absolutely no one wants that.
  • DO keep the people who make you happiest around. Do not try to push them away. Hold on to them. They are there in your life to help you achieve happiness. And isn't that really the ultimate goal in life? To be happy? Sure you can be happy by being alone, I am a huge believer in that. But when you find someone - anyone - that can make you truly happy, you should let them stick around.
  • Remember - don't worry about labels such as boyfriend or girlfriend. That's all they are - just labels.
  • Do not complicate things. I'm no expert, but I'm pretty damn sure almost everything can be simple. If you want to go to a party but don't know how someone may react to that...just go to the damn party. If you want to dump a friend because they stress you out, dump the friend. If you want to be with someone, tell them how you feel. And if you're lucky enough that that person wants to be with you too, just BE with them, no matter what. It really is that simple.You cannot convince me otherwise.
  • Don't worry about not having a job... - too much at least. Once you have to work all the time, I can almost bet you a million dollars you'll miss the "everyday is my Saturday" feeling. Just don't worry - you'll be fine.
  • Don't tell somebody, "I told you so." Just, no. If they made a mistake, then that's that. What is it going to help by saying that? Absolutely nothing. Don't make things unnecessarily tense.
  • Aim high with your goals. Don't ultimately settle for less than what you originally wanted. It may take you awhile to work up to that ultimate goal, just don't settle for less before you get there. Unless you learn that less makes you happy.
  • And lastly, and this is the most important piece of advice I can give. But again, I'm no expert. Whatever you do, do not interfere with someone else's happiness. We're all here to help each other be happy, don't knock it down for someone else. Especially if it is someone you are close to. This is the least sensible thing you can do. It is the ultimate complicator, the original source of senseless drama.
Again, I'm not a freaking professional advice columnist - if you can even be such a thing.... But I do know when things are unnecessary. Don't worry so much about everything. If mistakes are made, mistakes are made. You will move on. Be happy. Let them be happy. Make it simple.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Senseless Drama

Why does everything have to be so dramatic all the time?

Literally, Degrassi is all the drama I need/would ever want.

I will never ever ever understand those who dilly dally around being in a relationship or anything to that degree.

If you want to be with someone, be with that someone. If you miss someone, don't push them away. If they make you happy, keep them around as long as possible.

It really is that simple. Save the heartache for when someone is actually dead and gone.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Do you ever encounter those people who are just SO oblivious to the amount of information they give to you?

It seems like I run into this type of person all the time. I just don't understand why. I guess it's because I am more of a listener than a talker, so they feel they can tell me all of this and they think that I will care. I guess.

I don't want to know how much you know about 18th century historical figures or the New York Jets. Does it look like I care? I just don't get why people think that it's okay to talk to me about these things for 15+ minutes straight.

I'm interested in what you are interested in and your likes and dislikes and all that jazz. But going so in depth that I'm literally falling asleep with my eyes open....that's when you need to stop.

Oblivion is a dangerous place. Just sayin'.